We do apologise that you have encountered this error. Please refer to the following steps:
First, we recommend using a laptop or computer to place your order if you have access to one as our website is most compatible with these devices.
Next, we recommend checking your internet connection to ensure it is strong. On this point, please remember that during our sales, our website experiences high volumes of traffic, so, if your internet connection is strong, it may be our servers that need the extra time to think and process. We ask that you please be patient during these periods and allow our website the time to action your requests.
Our online team also recommend trying to restart/refresh or change your browser and/or device as this can often self-resolve any issues.
If none of the above are successful, please get in touch with us so we can investigate this further.
To help us assist you as promptly as possible, please include the answers to the following questions;
- What device you are using?
- What browser are you using?
- What item are you referring to?
- What items are in your cart (we always appreciate a screenshot of this)?
- Were there any error messages that popped up (a screenshot of this is great too)?
With all this information, we will get in touch with our Online Team, who will investigate this as quickly as possible, so we can provide you with an update.
Please contact us HEREwith your responses to the above questions under the form Website Issues/Errors
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