Thank you for your recent order with Horseland. We do apologise that you have experienced an error that has been multiple payments deducted from your bank account. We would be more than happy to assist you in reversing these funds to you.
In order for our finance team to reverse excess funds, we require the following information to be sent through to the Customer Care team via email at: Please send through:
- a screenshot of your bank statement showing multiple transactions deducted
- your order number (if applicable)
- your full name (as shown on your bank statement)
- the device used to place the order
If your purchase was for a Digital Gift Voucher that you are yet to have recieved, please also include information such as:
- the recipients full name and email address
- the message you would like the gift voucher to say
Once we receive this information, we endeavour to address your enquiry as soon as possible.
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